- History of Computers
- Early Development of Computers
- Generations of Computers
- Evolution of Computing Technologies
- Impact of Computers on Society
- Basic Organization of a Computer
- Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
- Role and Functions of ALU
- Input-Output Units
- Types of Input Devices
- Types of Output Devices
- Memory Units
- Primary vs. Secondary Memory
- Types of Memory (RAM, ROM, Cache, etc.)
- Program Counter
- Definition and Purpose in Program Execution
- Introduction to Programming Languages
- Low-Level vs High-Level Languages
- Types of Programming Languages (Procedural, Object-Oriented, Scripting, etc.)
- Importance of Programming in Computer Science
- Basics of a Computer Program
- Algorithms
- Definition and Characteristics
- Writing and Understanding Algorithms
- Flowcharts
- Definition and Symbols Used
- Creating Flowcharts Using Dia Tool
- Pseudo Code
- Purpose and Structure of Pseudo Code
- Introduction to Compilation and Execution
- Compilation Process
- Steps of Compilation
- Role of Compiler in Programming
- Execution Process
- Execution of Compiled Code
- Runtime Environment
- Primitive Data Types, Variables, and Constants
- Overview of Primitive Data Types (int, float, char, etc.)
- Declaring and Initializing Variables
- Constants: Definition and Usage
- Basic Input and Output
- Input Methods (Keyboard, File Input)
- Output Methods (Console, File Output)
- Syntax for Input and Output in Different Programming Languages
- Operations, Type Conversion, and Casting
- Operations:
- Arithmetic, Logical, Relational, and Bitwise Operations
- Type Conversion:
- Implicit vs Explicit Type Conversion
- Casting:
- How and When to Use Type Casting
- Problem Solving Techniques
- Algorithmic Approach:
- Steps to Solve Problems Using Algorithms
- Characteristics of an Effective Algorithm
- Problem Solving Strategies:
- Top-Down Approach
- Breaking Down Complex Problems
- Bottom-Up Approach
- Building Solutions from Smaller Components
- Top-Down Approach
- Time and Space Complexities of Algorithms
- Importance of Measuring Complexity
- Big O Notation and its Role in Algorithm Analysis
- Simple Sequential Programs
- Definition of Sequential Programs
- Characteristics of Sequential Execution
- Writing and Understanding Sequential Programs
- Conditional Statements
- if Statement
- Syntax of if Statement
- Flow of Control with if Statement
- Examples and Use Cases
- if-else Statement
- Syntax of if-else Statement
- Flow of Control with if-else Statement
- Nested if-else Statements
- Examples and Use Cases
- switch Statement
- Syntax and Structure of switch Statement
- When to Use switch vs if-else
- Case Blocks and Default Option
- Examples and Use Cases
- Loops
- for Loop
- Syntax of for Loop
- Initializing, Condition Checking, and Iteration
- Examples and Use Cases
- while Loop
- Syntax of while Loop
- Condition Checking Before Loop Execution
- Infinite Loops and Control Structures within while
- Examples and Use Cases
- do-while Loop
- Syntax of do-while Loop
- Difference Between while and do-while Loop
- Examples and Use Cases
- Break and Continue
- break Statement
- Purpose of break in Loops and switch Statements
- Exiting Loops with break
- Examples and Use Cases
- continue Statement
- Purpose of continue in Loops
- Skipping Iterations with continue
- break Statement
- Examples and Use Cases
- Introduction to Arrays
- Definition of Arrays
- Benefits of Using Arrays
- Types of Arrays (Single-Dimensional, Multi-Dimensional)
- Array Indexing
- Understanding Array Indexing (0-Based Indexing)
- Accessing Elements in an Array Using Indexes
- Modifying Array Elements via Indexing
- Out-of-Bounds Error and How to Avoid It
- Memory Model of Arrays
- How Arrays Are Stored in Memory
- Contiguous Memory Allocation
- Impact of Array Size on Memory Usage
- Understanding Array Pointer Notations in Memory
- Programs with Array of Integers
- Declaration and Initialization of Integer Arrays
- Example Programs with Arrays of Integers:
- Summing Elements of an Array
- Finding the Maximum and Minimum Element
- Searching for an Element in an Array (Linear Search)
- Sorting Elements of an Array (Bubble Sort)
- Common Errors in Array Manipulation and How to Handle Them
- Two-Dimensional Arrays
- Definition of Two-Dimensional Arrays (Matrices)
- Declaring and Initializing Two-Dimensional Arrays
- Accessing Elements Using Row and Column Indexes
- Example Programs with Two-Dimensional Arrays:
- Matrix Multiplication
- Transposing a Matrix
- Summing Rows and Columns of a Matrix
- Practical Applications of Two-Dimensional Arrays (Grids, Tables)
- Introduction to Strings
- Definition of Strings as Character Arrays
- Differences Between Character Arrays and String Data Type (in some languages)
- Declaring and Initializing Strings
- Basic String Operations:
- String Length
- String Comparison
- Concatenation
- Substring Extraction
- Example Programs with Strings:
- Reversing a String
- Palindrome Checking
- Counting Vowels and Consonants in a String
- Introduction to Pointers
- Definition and Concept of Pointers
- Why Use Pointers?
- Declaring and Initializing Pointers
- Pointers and Memory Addresses
- Dereferencing and Address Operators
- Address-of Operator (&)
- How to Obtain the Address of a Variable
- Examples of Using the Address-of Operator
- Dereferencing Operator (*)
- Accessing the Value at a Given Address
- Examples of Dereferencing a Pointer
- Pointer Assignment and Dereferencing in Different Scenarios
- Pointer Arithmetic
- Concept of Pointer Arithmetic
- Operations: Addition, Subtraction, and Comparison of Pointers
- Pointer Incrementation and Decrementation
- Difference Between Pointer Arithmetic on Different Data Types
- Practical Examples of Pointer Arithmetic
- Array Manipulation Using Pointers
- Relationship Between Arrays and Pointers
- Accessing Array Elements Using Pointers
- Iterating Through Arrays Using Pointers
- Example Programs:
- Sum of Array Elements Using Pointers
- Reversing an Array Using Pointers
- Advantages of Using Pointers with Arrays (Efficiency)
- User-Defined Data Types
- Definition of User-Defined Data Types
- Differences Between Built-in and User-Defined Data Types
- Structures
- Definition of Structures
- Purpose and Usage of Structures in C/C++
- Syntax for Declaring and Defining Structures
- Accessing Members of a Structure
- Dot Operator for Accessing Structure Members
- Nested Structures
- Example Programs:
- Defining and Using Structures in a Program
- Structure Arrays
- Passing Structures to Functions
- Practical Applications of Structures (Record-Keeping, Data Grouping)
- Unions
- Definition of Unions
- Difference Between Structures and Unions
- Syntax for Declaring and Defining Unions
- Shared Memory Concept in Unions
- Accessing Members of a Union
- Example Programs:
- Using Unions to Save Memory
- Definition of Unions
- Advantages and Limitations of Unions
- Introduction to Functions
- Definition and Purpose of Functions
- Importance of Code Reusability
- Types of Functions: Built-in vs. User-Defined Functions
- Structure of a Function in Different Programming Languages
- Function Declaration and Definition
- Function Declaration (Prototype)
- Syntax and Importance of Declaring a Function Before Use
- Example of Function Declaration
- Function Definition
- Syntax and Components (Return Type, Name, Parameters, Body)
- Example of Function Definition
- Difference Between Function Declaration and Definition
- Function Call
- Syntax of Calling a Function
- Types of Function Calls:
- Call by Value
- Call by Reference
- Example Programs Demonstrating Function Calls
- Stack and Control Flow During Function Calls
- Return Types and Arguments
- Return Types
- Return Type of Functions (int, float, void, etc.)
- Returning Multiple Values (Using Pointers, Structures)
- Arguments/Parameters
- Definition of Parameters and Arguments
- Formal vs. Actual Parameters
- Passing Arguments by Value vs. Reference
- Example Programs with Return Types and Parameters
- Modifying Parameters Inside Functions
- Call by Value vs. Call by Reference
- Explanation of How Call by Value Prevents Parameter Modification
- Explanation of How Call by Reference Allows Parameter Modification
- Example Programs Demonstrating Modification of Parameters
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Call by Value and Call by Reference
- Introduction to File Handling
- Definition of File Handling
- Types of Files (Text Files vs. Binary Files)
- Basic Operations in File Handling (Create, Open, Read, Write, Close)
- File Modes
- Different Modes for Opening Files:
- Reading Mode (r)
- Writing Mode (w)
- Append Mode (a)
- Binary Modes (rb, wb, ab)
- Opening Files in Various Modes with Examples
- File Operations
- Reading from Files
- Using Functions like fscanf, fgets (for text files)
- Reading Data from Binary Files
- Writing to Files
- Writing Data to Text Files Using fprintf and fputs
- Writing Binary Data to Files
- Closing Files
- Importance of Closing Files to Free Resources
- File Pointers
- Definition and Use of File Pointers
- Navigating Through Files Using File Pointers
- Functions like fseek, ftell, rewind
- Error Handling in File Operations
- Checking for File Errors (File Open Failure, Reading/Writing Errors)
- Using feof and ferror for Error Detection
- Handling Exceptions in File Operations